slow dreams


It has definitely felt like spring the last week or so.  Days of sun interspersed with gentle rain showers have been the norm.  Daffodils grow and glow in yards long muted by the cold of winter.  Windows have been cracked just a little bit wider at night.   

I sat outside for hours today at the rickety wood table on the deck at the front of the house.  The sky was a perfect blue.  The sun warmed my legs as a cool breeze wrapped around my neck and burrowed into my hair.  I read a new book, studied a course I'm taking, and sipped nettle tea made from the young plants I foraged last year.  Later, I turned over dirt in the front beds and planted some heather.   I didn't get to the pansies.  Maybe tomorrow.  Now, a loaf of whole wheat bread is in the oven and beans are soaking for a healthy meal tonight.   I think I'll take a walk, but not until darkness is just about to fall.

slow notes: {A new name for this collection instead of the read/watch/listen I've used for years.  I almost changed o notes to slow notes a few years ago (and I still may do so) to reflect the slow way of living we've been cultivating for many years, but these slow notes are simply quietly lovely or interesting things that have caught my eye, or ear or heart or soul.}

  • Struggling with allergies and reading here about things to          consider, including the helpfulness of local honey.
  • Dreaming of a natural yard and some lovely things that could        replace our lawn. 

Crack your window a little bit more tonight and welcome sweet dreams of spring.  

by mlekoshi