rosemary bread


I don't know why, but I felt like baking today.  Maybe it's the gray sky.  Bread, being one of my favorite things ever, is always at the top of my list when I want to bake something.  Looking at the plants this morning, rosemary provided the inspiration.  I found a recipe on make and takes, a website I'd never seen before but will definitely keep going back to for great recipes and crafty kid things.  I changed it slightly by using half whole wheat flour instead of all white - I just like the flavor and texture whole wheat gives so I usually use at least half whole wheat for any bread, and even sometimes in cookies.  It made two rounds of gorgeous bread, and I tell you, just the scent of this bread baking is reason enough to try it.  Heavenly.  Dip in olive oil/balsamic for even more heaven.
by mlekoshi